Career Readiness Courseware 2.0:  Placement Test

Learners will start each module by taking the Placement Test. There are 10 multiple-choice questions per level and all learners begin at level 1.  Once the learner has decided on an answer choice, selection is made by clicking on the Submit tab.  If Level 1 in the Placement Test is successfully completed with 80% mastery, the test will automatically advance the learner into Level 2, again providing 10 questions per level. When a learner is unable to reach a score of 80% on a specific level, the program will identify an appropriate starting point in the courseware and learners are placed in ability-appropriate material.

Learner's View of the Career Readiness Courseware 2.0 Homepage

Career Readiness Courseware 2.0

Learners can select either English or Spanish.

English or Spanish

A learner may save their progress in the placement test and resume later by clicking the Exit button and choosing Yes in the dialog box that appears. The learner will then be able to choose Resume Placement Test on the courseware screen.

Exit Placement Test Pop-Up

Exit Placement Test

When the Placement Test is complete, learners will automatically begin where the Placement Test indicated.  A summary of the Placement Test results explains the number of correct and incorrect responses and provides the learner with their entry level. The learner is directed to click Continue to return to the Main Menu. On the Main Menu, only the levels to which the learner has access will be available. The highest open level is the entry level.  Learners may enter lower levels for review, but they can only advance to higher levels as they successfully complete the progressive levels by demonstrating 80% proficiency on end of level Posttests.

Level 1 Placement Test Question

Level 1 Placement Test

Level 1 Placement Test Results
